Haubi Haubner











März 2023
ITALY / MILAN & Digital Worldwide / ARTOXIC International Art Exhibition Haubi Haubner shows three artworks from his ICONdata series. Report about the event: Instagram.com, facebook.com, tiktok.com, youtube.com, issuu.com, linkedin.com, pontianak.tribunnews.com, myspace.com and more.

REVIEW to Haubi Haubner from Art Curator Camilla Gilardi / ARTOXIC – M.A.D.S. Gallery Catalog
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” (Andy Warhol)
An invitation to reflection": these are the words used by Haubi Haubner to describe his art. In the works of the ICON series, the contemporary German artist combines pop art, surrealism and urban art to shape his worldview. In particular, the three works analyzed are part of the ICONdata series and are united by the theme of human, artificial and social media. The world is full of contrasts and Haubi tries to give a face and his own interpretation to each side of the coin. In ICONdata6 the protagonist with Asian features turns his serious gaze towards us while a hand touches his face. A struggle is going on in his head: it is crowded with many conflicting thoughts to which he tries to give order. In ICONdata8 in the center we see an elderly man sporting a boyish style. Defying the passage of time, going beyond all possible judgement of others in order to feel alive. Remember: not giving importance to appearance is the key to achieving freedom. In ICONdata9 a woman's big eyes stare at us: what lies behind them? A deep world in which emotions alternate and make her vulnerable. In each of these works there is a white and a black: two opposing elements that do not necessarily have to clash but can also coexist in harmony. Haubi invites us to immerse ourselves in his works and begin a journey within ourselves to get to know in depth what is hidden in our souls.

Januar 2023
International Art Exhibition BRAIN CAKE at Barcelona / Casa Mila (La Pedrera) Gaudi Room Haubi Haubner was invited to be part of BRAIN CAKE with his work ICONdata3. Report about the event: elyssarpress.com, popkoproductions.com, niqo.com, instagram.com, tiktok.com, facebook.com, twitter.com, linkedin.com and more.

September 2022
TV ARTE “Urban Art Biennale – Völklinger Hütte” by TWIST 25.09.2022. Fun fact! At the beginning of the film, Haubi Haubners Street Sticker “Metamorphosis – Nice To Meet You” can be seen briefly twice when the presenter is spraying.

Juni 2022
International Contemporary ART FAIR MONACO 3rd EDITION Haubi Haubner is represented with three of his artworks. Reported by: monaco-tribune.com, artfairmag.com, art3f.fr, chapiteau-monaco.com, saevidicus.com, eventbrite.de, expotobi.com and more.

Juni 2022
BADISCHE ZEITUNG - Rubrik FRAGEBOGEN lädt Haubi Haubner ein, zum Thema 25 - jähriges Jubiläum Glashaus und seiner Solo Ausstellung / Multimedia Event SIGNS OF TIMES.

Mai 2022
kiosk.rieselfeld.org/podcast PODCAST INTERVIEW mit Haubi Haubner zum Thema Freiburg / Rieselfeld und seiner Solo Ausstellung / Multimedia Event SIGNS OF TIMES.

Mai 2022
facebook.com Haubi Haubner – Tanzveranstaltung trifft Kunstausstellung trifft Videokunst.

Mai 2022
bz-ticket.de Bilder und Bericht zur Haubi Haubners Solo Ausstellung / Multimedia Event SIGNS OF TIMES.

März / April 2022
Diverse / Milan - Italy / Fuerteventura – Spain
INTERNATIONAL MIXED REALITY ART EXHIBITION “NFT - NEW FREEDOM THINK” M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY shows Haubi Haubners ICONdata, ICONtalktalk and METAMORPHOSIS – NICE TO MEET YOU. Reported by: instagram.com, facebook.com, youtube.com, nieuwsblad.de, re-hoe.net, news.ponycanyon.co.jp, excite.co.jp, popkoproductions.com, mobile.twitter.com and more.

REVIEW to Haubi Haubner – Art Curator Camilla Gilardi / M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY – CATALOG
“To make us feel in the right way is a function of art: men can only make us feel small in the wrong way.” (E.M.FORSTER)
Art makes you think, it questions the rules of life. Art makes us feel small, but at the same time given us strength and great charge of energy. The contemporary artist Haubi Haubner's works are the result of a long creative process during which the artist combines thoughts, reach, instinct and emotions. These are complex works that invite viewers to grasp the message that lies behind simple shapes and strong color contrast. “ICONdata” and “ICONtalktalk” were created in 2022 and share the message they want to convey. ICON represents a modern-day Yin and Yang. The diversities that populate the world are identified with a skull on one side and a gritty face on the other: the second averted face is interrogated. Can I be both at the same time? Or can I be first one way and then the other? Life confronts us which the artist sees himself and the contemporary world. ICON is an element to be examined and from which to draw inspiration for future reflections. With “METAMORPHOSIS – NICE TO MEET YOU” (2021) the artist meditates on the authenticity of people: are they really who they show or wear a mask? And if they wear it, what is behind it? Each of us during our journey experiences a metamorphosis: it changes, grows, and changes again. We welcome what life brings us again without forgetting what the past has given us and made us learn. We are always ourselves and feel free to show our every facet. Seize the essence of Haubi's work and take their message with you.

Oktober / November 2021
Diverse / Madrid / Spain
„International Exhibition MODERN PERSPECTIVES“ - MONAT GALLERY shows Haubi Haubners ICONmachinehead and SERIES QUEST „WARUM WÄHLE ICH WELCHEN WEG / MÖGLICHKEITEN“ („WHY DO I CHOOSE WHICH WAY / POSSIBILITIES“). Reported by: facebook.com, instagram.com, fr.linkedin.com and more.

April / Mai 2021
Diverse / Milan / Italy
INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION „ROMANTICA – SHAPE OF MY ART“: At M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY in Milan Haubi Haubner shows „WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND“ and „IT’S A BEAUTIFUL LIFE“ from his METAMORPHOSIS series and also „ICONmeditation“ of his Instagram art project @ICONseee. Reported by: The News Insight, All India Radio, espanol.24ora.com, 1noticia.com, Dailycollector.org, facebook.com, instagram.com and more.

REVIEW to Haubi Haubner — Art Curator Camilla Gilardi / M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY:
The different personalities change, they merge with each other to become one. In some cases, this does not happen, they live forever apart, sometimes clashing, sometimes coexisting peacefully. Haubi Haubner is a German artist whose works are able to set in motion in the viewer a circle of emotions and reflections on various important themes: the human being, his existence and the meanings that are hidden in the world around him. Life is a journey in constant evolution: people do not remain the same forever, but change according to their choices, the path they decide to take when they reach a crossroads with no possibility of returning. The three works analyzed were created in 2021 with mixed media on paper. The protagonist of ,,ICONmeditation” is what the artist defines as a modern Yin and Yang in which the contrast between opposites is returned thanks to the representation of a skull on one side and a laughing face on the other. In ,,METAMORPHOSIS - IT’S A BEAUTIFUL LIFE” the theme of the splitting of personalities is taken again. The colorful skull in the foreground painted with floral motifs leaves behind four faces of which we see the profile, each representing a facet of the man he was during his past life. The colors of the subjects stand out in all their light, contrasting with the homogeneous orange background. ,,METAMORPHOSIS - WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND” shows the magical and indissoluble connection that unites everything to the other. Every action has a consequence and causes a chain of infinite reactions of which we are often not aware of the destination. This relationship is visually represented by a set of colored threads that meet each other while traveling. The first face represents the man at the beginning of the change: the succession of actions will transform him into a different person, the one depicted on the right. Haubi is a brilliant artist with an unmistakable style capable of creating unique contemporary works with a strong evocative power.

Januar / Februar 2021
Diverse / Milan / Italy
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY in Milan realized with KROMATIC@RT their frist fully digital exhibition. Haubi Haubner is part of it with a work from his METAMORPHOSIS series. Reported by: heraldtribune, gswheeler, linkedin, artblasco, museodelmarchioitaliano, madsmilano, you tube, instagram, facebook, pinterest, picuki and more.

Dezember 2020 / Januar 2021
< Diverse / Genova / Italy
Art event GIFTS OF ART 4th EDITION at Palazzo Ducale with artworks from the METAMORPHOSIS series and the Instagram art project @ICONseee by Haubi Haubner. Reported by: Allevent, www.allwebitaly, it.geosnews.com, Milanotoday and more.

YouTube: GIFTS OF ART – Genova, artworks by Haubi Haubner

November / Dezemeber 2020
Diverse / Genova / Italy
CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION „IN MY MIND”, PALAZZO DUCALE 19.11. – 03.12.2020. Art exhibition with works from Haubi Haubner. Reported by: Genova Today, Virgilio, Mentelocale, Allevents and more.

Facebook Clip „IN MY MIND“

Oktober 2020
Diverse / Genova / Italy
CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION “SOMETHING FOR YOU” Group exhibition with Haubi Haubner, PALAZZO DUCALE / GENOVA. Reported by: www.virgilio.it, www.genovatoday, www.mentelocale.it, www.infogenova.info, www.allevents.in, www.wikievent.it and more.

August 2020
ellesm.magazine – Montpellier / France
shows pictures of Haubi's ICONseee street stickers glued in Montpellier and reports on them.

April 2020
The WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION publishes several articles on its website which are illustrated by Haubi Haubner's graphic "NO COMPROMISE IN MEXICO".

Februar 2020
FREIeBÜRGER unabhängige Straßenzeitung
Titelgeschichte zu Jürgen Grässlin / GLOBAL NET – STOP THE ARMS TRADE. Illustriert von Haubi Haubners Grafiken: „DEATH BY SMALL ARMS“, „JUSTICE FOR ALL”, „EXODUS / REASONS WHY”, „NO COMPROMISE IN MEXICO”.

Februar 2019 + März 2019
DIVERSE MEDIENBERICHTE zum Heckler & Koch Prozess/Urteil, bei denen Haubi Haubners GLOBAL NET LOGO u.a. von ARD Tagesschau, SWR Aktuell, der Frankfurter Rundschau oder der mexikanischen Tercera Via gezeigt wird.

Februar 2019
BERLIN – PRESSEKONFERENZ im INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU (Friedensnobelpreis 1910) bei der Grafiken von Haubi Haubner auf Roll Up – Ständer gezeigt werden.

Januar 2019
ZIVILCOURAGE - Magazin der DFG-VK: Haubi Haubners Grafik "NO COMPROMISE IN MEXICO" illustriert einen Artikel der Ausgabe.

Juni 2018
FRANKENBERGER ALLGEMEINE - HNA: Auszug aus dem Artikel zu Vernissage und Ausstellung der SERIE NUMBERS im hessischen Frankenberg: „Idee war es, in Anlehnung an die Höhlenzeichnungen, die ägyptische Malerei und die Street Art etwas Neues zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis ist ein sogenannter Erzählstil, denn die feinen Zeichnungen enthüllen bei genauer Sichtung teils tiefgründige philosophische Gedanken und teils handfeste Gesellschaftskritik. Jeweils fünf der ausgestellten Arbeiten haben Pop Art, Tiere beziehungsweise Gesellschaftspolitik zum Motiv. Der erste Bereich beinhaltet beispielsweise auch das Skaten und das Sprayen als Ausdruck des urbanen Lebens. Seine „Politics“ liegen Haubner besonders am Herzen. Die entsprechenden Grafiken kritisieren die ganze Bandbreite der aktuellen Probleme unserer Gesellschaft, zum Beispiel den schier grenzenlosen Konsum, die Umweltverschmutzung, die Rolle der Banken, der Medien und der Konzerne und die Produktionsbedingungen. „Bist du damit glücklich?“ fragt er provokativ.“

Mai 2018
ZIVILCOURAGE - Magazin der DFG-VK: Titelstory mit Textbaustein zu Haubi Haubner, Abbildung seines Logo für das GLOBAL NET – STOP THE ARMS TRADE, sowie der Grafiken „VICTIMS OF WAR 1000000S“ und „PERPRETATOR OF WAR 5&1“.

Mai 2018
ZAHLREICHE MEDIENBERICHTE ZU HECKLER & KOCH: Haubi Haubner zeichnet im Auftrag Jürgen Grässlins (Anzeige-Erstatter) die Grafik „NO COMPROMISE IN MEXICO“, welche die Aufarbeitung und den Prozess gegen sechs Angeklagte, darunter zwei ehemalige Geschäftsführer der Waffenschmiede Heckler & Koch, im GLOBAL NET – STOP THE ARMS TRADE www.gn-stat.org begleitet. Der Fall: Widerrechtliche Waffenlieferung von G36 Sturmgewehren in mexikanische Unruheprovinzen und die damit verbundene mutmaßliche Ermordung von 43 Studenten. Titelgeschichte der Frankfurter Rundschau, tagesschau, ARD-Report Mainz, SWR Aktuell, TAZ, Handelsblatt Global Edition, Spiegel online, Focus online, Mexiko - Proceso, Vanguardia, La Jornada, El Universal, El Sur, El Excelsior, Argentinien - Infobae, Kuba - Prensa Latina, Deutsche Welle International, Sputniknews, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Südwest Presse, Badische Zeitung, u.a.

Am 21.02.2019 werden zwei der Angeklagten verurteilt, die Firma Heckler & Koch zur Strafzahlung von 3,7 Millionen Euro.

April 2018 + Mai 2018
DER SONNTAG/Wochenzeitung für Südbaden: Artikel über das GLOBAL NET - STOP THE ARMS TRADE "Auch Künstler wie der Freiburger Grafiker Haubi Haubner wirken mit" mit Abbildung der Grafik "Perpretator of War 5&1" von Haubi Haubner.

April 2018
BADISCHE ZEITUNG: "Werke von Haubi Haubner im "Glashaus" ergänzt durch ein DJ-Set."

April 2018
DER FREITAG - DAS MEINUNGSMEDIUM: "Haubi Haubner hat für die Grafiken des GLOBAL WEB einen völlig neuen, markanten Stil entwickelt."

April 2018
clausstille.com / KRITISCHER BÜRGERJOURNALISMUS: "Grafiken neuen Stils für das Netzwerk von Haubi Haubner."

April 2018
BERLIN – PRESSEKONFERENZ bei der Grafiken von Haubi Haubner sowohl über Roll Up – Ständer gezeigt werden, als auch auf dem Pressematerial zu sehen sind. Das weltweit vernetzte GLOBAL NET – STOP THE ARMS TRADE (Logo, Grafiken, Piktogramme von Haubi Haubner) geht am 05.04. mit seinem ersten Fall online. Berichte, meist mit Bildern der Grafiken „VICTIMS OF WAR 1000000S“+ PERPRETATOR OF WAR 5&1“ von Deutsche Welle International, Sputniknews, HispanTV, Labour Net, TAZ, Junge Welt, Saarbrücker Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, Terra, News.am, Pan Armenia, Kanal 3, Radio Dreyeckland u.v.m.

April 2018
BADISCHE ZEITUNG: Freiburg / Glashaus – Haubi Haubner Grafikkünstler und Illustrator, zeigt 15 Grafiken seiner außergewöhnlichen SERIE NUMBERS.

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